Stay up to date on all the latest legal developments with our regularly published articles and updates. As with everything we do, we aim to explain how any changes in the law could affect you, your family or your business in the simplest way possible. If you would like to discuss any of our articles further, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


| Claire Morrey

Care Proceedings Court Hearings during Covid19 lockdown

In response to the current situation, the Court has had to consider what happens with court hearings for Care…


| Clare Cuomo

Covid-19 – Child Protection Concerns

Child Protection concerns do not cease during a worldwide pandemic. Child Protection is not immune to the…



Contact with a child in foster care or family placement subject to an Order- Staffordshire Advice

In these unprecedented times, we need to give consideration to what happens to parents’ contact, if their child…


| Clare Cuomo

The impact of Covid-19 upon Contact with Children in Care - Derbyshire Advice

When Children are removed from their parents and placed with foster carers, either on an interim or permanent…


| Andrew Oldroyd

COVID-19: What does this mean for your court hearing?

As the Coronavirus epidemic widens and government restrictions tighten, the UK court system has been forced to…


| Ruth Jones

Coronavirus – Impact on Financial Settlements in Divorce

We have seen a number of queries from clients/potential clients who have said that they have agreed and…