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Detailed professional advice should always be obtained before taking, or refraining from, any action based on the information within this site. As such, Smith Partnership accepts no responsibility for any loss arising from reliance solely on any part of the contents within this site. Similarly, we cannot be responsible for the content or reliability of any linked websites nor do we necessarily endorse the views within them – the listing or link to an external site should not be taken as endorsement. Any links within the site may not work all of the time and we have no control over the availability of linked pages.
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Certain features within this site may require you to supply personal data, in providing such information you agree that we may process and use it for the purpose of providing and marketing our legal services to you. However, we respect and are committed to safeguarding your privacy and, unless required by law, will not disclose personal data about you to any third party without specific consent from you. You may, at any time, choose to not receive marketing material from us.
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