Melanie Beadle

What I do

I assist the Commercial Property team with drafting and research as well as post completion tasks and sorting out queries with Land Registry.

I have assisted on several commercial property files and liaised with clients, agents, HMLR and HMRC to help obtain swift and trouble free transactions.

I was a secretary in the Commercial Property for 10 years and a Paralegal for 1 year.

I pride myself as being the go-to person for fee-earners requiring assistance with their busy day to day files.  I am always happy to assist and enjoy learning from their expertise.

My spare time is taken up spending time with my family.  I have two adult daughters, a granddaughter and grandson and love looking after them and joining in with their busy lives.

I am also in a Choir (singing popular music) with a lovely group of people and enjoy attending ‘sing outs’ to entertain the general public.