Taran Mangat

What I do

I am the primary point of contact for potential clients with queries related to Wills and Probate matters. I make sure clients are able to meet with our solicitors as quickly and conveniently as possible. In addition, I help with new matters for Family and Conveyancing.


I can speak Hindi and Punjabi.

I bring a 'can do' attitude, never shying away from any responsibility I am given. I have a friendly and helpful nature which makes me approachable, and I always try my best if my assistance is required.

I like to train in the gym at least three times during the week and push myself to become better and better physically and mentally. I also enjoy doing boxing which is a sport that has taught me how to be disciplined and focused over the years. Normally, I spend my weekends recovering or watching MMA, boxing, football, or cricket, which helps pass my time.