Social services are asking for an Interim Supervision Order, what does this mean?
This is an order that will only be made if there are reasonable grounds to believe that your child is at risk of significant harm, has suffered harm or is beyond parental control. This is not a permanent order and it may be made whilst further investigations are carried out.
If the Judge considers that it is in the best interests of your child/children to make this order, then the Local Authority has a duty to "advise, assist and befriend" your child/children. This means that they are there to help and provide you with support in caring for your child/children. They can put a package of support in place from various professionals who are willing to work with you to allow your child/children to remain in your care. This is a working arrangement between you and the Local Authority to try and ensure that your child/children can remain in your care and the order is often made when the concerns are not as serious as to necessitate their removal. Unlike an interim care order, the Local Authority will not share Parental Responsibility with you as parents and so cannot remove your child/children from your care, without going back to court and asking the court to do so. In addition, the Local Authority cannot make decisions about your child/children but they will closely monitor the decisions that you make, whilst supporting you.
How we can help?
At Smith Partnership, we can help you throughout the Local Authority’s involvement. We have Solicitors across the East Midlands who are experienced in child protection matters, If you would like to discuss this further please contact us on 0330 123 1229.
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