Celebrating a double triumph at the Derby and District Law Society awards

Partner Russell Davies and Trainee Solicitor Amelia Sutcliffe, earned plaudits from their peers when they won their categories at the recent Derby and District Law Society awards.

Russell was named 'Commercial Lawyer of the Year' while Amelia was announced as 'Trainee Lawyer of the Year' at the awards, which took place at the society’s annual dinner and attracted entries from leading firms across the city.

Their wins demonstrated that there is talent at both ends of the experience spectrum here at Smith Partnership, with Russell having served 31 years and Amelia set to reach her three-year anniversary at the firm in June.

Russell, who was nominated by Partner and Debt Recovery Lawyer Claire Twells, specialises in commercial dispute resolution and has particular expertise in litigation relating to leases and tenancies of pubs.

He said: “It’s very nice to be recognised by your peers and there are a lot of very good commercial solicitors in Derby, so winning an award like this feels like a real feather in my cap.

“My department has had an extremely busy year and we have completed some good quality work on behalf of some good quality clients, so this shows that we are continuing to perform to a high standard.”

Amelia, meanwhile, started as a Legal Secretary in the firm’s childcare department before embarking on her three-year training contract.

Having recently completed her placement in Smith Partnership’s Personal Injury department, she is now back in Childcare and was nominated for her award by partner Clare Cuomo – who Amelia worked for in her legal secretary days.

Amelia, who is also vice president of Derby Junior Lawyers, said: “I was very flattered to have won this award, especially since I’m very early into my career.

“I was nominated for my work alongside my volunteering and the activity I carry out on behalf of the junior lawyers. They’re both important to me and it’s nice that they have been recognised too.”

Claire Twells said: “We’re really proud of both Amelia and Russell for picking up these awards and demonstrating that Smith Partnership’s lawyers are at the top of their game.

“Russell has a long and successful track record representing some of our biggest and longest-serving clients, while Amelia exemplifies a new generation of lawyers who are blending hard work in the office with commitment to their local community.”

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