Stay up to date on all the latest legal developments with our regularly published articles and updates. As with everything we do, we aim to explain how any changes in the law could affect you, your family or your business in the simplest way possible. If you would like to discuss any of our articles further, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

| Anna McLeod
How to Claim for Hospital Negligence
Understanding hospital negligence and how to put forward a claim is incredibly important, especially for those…

| Anna McLeod
Could you be Offered Dental Negligence Compensation Due to Malpractice?
When you go to see a medical professional, naturally, you place trust in their ability to provide you with…

| Anna McLeod
Birth Injury Claims Process Explained
Assisting with labour and delivery is a procedure carried out by thousands of midwives and doctors on a daily…

| Anna McLeod
What is Clinical Negligence?
When undergoing medical treatment, we are often at our most vulnerable, putting out trust in the care…
| Patrick Booth
Coronavirus & Medical Negligence Compensation Claims
The impact of Coronavirus is substantial and affects all of us. But what happens if you have been refused…

| Anna McLeod
The NHS Long Term Plan: The Key Takeaways & Concerns
The NHS released their Long Term Plan earlier this year, setting out priorities for health care over the next 10…